The Mirror of the Moment Page 5
matter being inquired about. This work is authored from the point
of view that it will be used mostly by individuals to support their
own welfare in life and who will employ mostly One Card
readings to perform their divinations. It does however take into
account that an individual may desire to advance their skills either
in the form of expanded readings for themselves or branching out
into reading for other individuals, and
instruction to enable them to succeed so if they so
desire. The One Card Reading is the most logical point to begin an
exploration of Tarot divination in the same manner as a learning to
fly a small single engine plane is the logical point to begin a course
of pilot training that will eventually lead you acquire the
knowledge, skill and expertise to fly a jet airplane. You cannot
learn to run before you have learned to walk.
The Mirror of the Moment
The Suites of the Tarot (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles) each
contain their own Royal Court consisting of a Page, a Knight, a
Queen and a King. Because these cards may indicate a direct
association with a specific human individual within the context of
a reading each of these cards has a dual Oracle – one which
represents the personality of the royal individual that would most
likely apply if a card in a reading makes reference to a specific
person and another cloud Oracle that would apply within the
context of a specific situation that does not directly apply to a
This book was authored from two perspectives. One was to
provide a solid and clearly understandable approach to utilizing the
Tarot in the life of an individual either as an Oracle of divination to
provide valuable insights as needed in daily life and/or as a method
of evolutionary self development through which an individual can
grow in the understanding of their own psyche and its connection
to the spiritual dimension of Nature. The second perspective was to
provide a method through which any sincere individual acquire
necessary to
successfully read the Tarot and obtain insight into the often
perplexing or urgent concerns you may face on your journey
through time. Either or both paths are open to you as a reader of
this work.
In its passage through the centuries, the Tarot has evolved to its
present state of being and as a living tradition will no doubt
continue to evolve in its continuing journey through time. We will
now embark upon our journey into the imagery of the cards and
their associated correspondences so as to lay a solid foundation for
self and performing successful Tarot readings for yourself when
you seeking insight, advice and guidance in your life.
The Mirror of the Moment
If you are eager to perform your first divination and cannot wait
until you have invested the time necessary to familiarize yourself
with the meaning of each individual card then feel free to skip to
the section entitled “Intuitive Contextual Divination” where the
correct preparation of the deck for performing a reading is
discussed and then perform your first divination. Once your need
has been satisfied you can go back and start your study beginning
with the Major Cards and become familiar with the entire deck at
your own pace and as your personal time allows.
Please remember this most important point! The message of the
Tarot is in the revealed images and the resonance they invoke
within you. It is what these images communicate that gives your
reading its fundamental meaning. The words are necessary but are
essentially only guides to attaining this resonance.
Safe Journey
The Major Cards
The Mirror of the Moment
The Spirit of the Air
Against a yellow sky a well dressed young man walks in a high
place towards the edge of a precipice. He seems unaware of the
danger in front of him and strides forward as though oblivious and
lost in his own daydreams. Beside him walks a barking white dog
that rears up on his hind legs as though trying to gain his attention
or alert him to what lies ahead.
A white Sun shines in the
background of a yellow sky illuminating a tall and foreboding
mountain range in the distance whose white peaks appear cold and
desolate and whose summits are covered with ice and snow. The
Fool carries a long wooden staff that rests on his right shoulder. At
the top end of the staff is tied a leather wallet embossed with the
image of an eagle and decorated with a red feather that floats freely
The Mirror of the Moment
in the breeze. He is dressed in a colorful one piece garment
decorated with a design of numerous whirling pinwheels all of
which have seven spokes. His undergarment is white and he sports
a pair of brownish leg warmers as well as a pair of soft yellow
leather walking boots. In his outstretched left hand he holds a
white rose whose petals stand open and partake of the solar energy
flowing from the sky above.
The correspondence with “Air” symbolizes The Fool’
s connection
with the element of consciousness, thought and mind which, like
Air is not directly seen but is experienced as being everywhere and
in everything. “Air” symbolizes Spirit, idea, consciousness,
thought – that which is above the material; not visible but
absolutely real. The Fool often represents a situation where you
have the choice either to take the plunge and move forward or to
hold back and take time to think about the road ahead. To this
decision you must bring the full scope of your mental faculties
leaving no stone unturned and no detail overlooked so as to assure
a successful outcome. The image of The Fool and the power of
“Air” invoke an atmosphere of elevated consciousness – the power
of reason and intuition uniting to weigh all the aspects of a
situation in order to gain an authentic insight as to the right path
for the will to follow or to make the correct decision.
When The Fool is revealed Upright in your reading, its
surrounding the matter of your inquiry; an advisory that you are
following the right path or making the right choice or decision with
regards to the matter of your inquiry; a need for you to closely
evaluate risk verses reward before taking any action; the need to
use caution and good judgment in your
affairs; an
exciting opportunity lying just ahead of you; the need to trust your
The Mirror of the Moment
own intuition in the matter you have inquired about; having the
courage to follow your heart wherever it may lead you; believing
in yourself and summoning the self
confidence to
necessary risk; an opportunity before you to explore new creative
possibilities; a willingness to embrace the new beginning being
offered to you.
When The Fool is revealed Reversed in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to:
an unfavorable atmosphere
surrounding the matter of your inquiry; an advisory that you are
not following the right path or are making a incorrect choice or
decision; not exercising caution and good judgment in your affairs;
making the mistake of not trusting your intuition; yielding to
reckless or impulsive actions that could lead to your downfall;
making a rash decision and acting without sufficient forethought;
not taking the time to fully evaluate your present position; not
looking before you leap; rejecting an opportunity for personal
growth that is before you; blindly following a path that could lead
to your demise; placing yourself in peril by ignoring the voice of
your own reason.
The Mirror of the Moment
The Man of Knowledge
In The Magician we experience a young man with long dark hair
standing against a golden yellow background in a garden setting.
He is dressed in a white one piece garment covered by a red robe
that is open in the front and tied around his waist is a snake that is
in the act of consuming its own tail. Before him stands a wooden
table upon which rests four magical tools symbolizing the four
ancient elements of Fire, Air Water and Earth. A garden blooms
beneath his work table in which grows both red roses and white
lilies in full bloom. His right hand is raised above his head and he
holds a short white and double pointed magical staff; one end of
which points up towards the heavens and the other end of which
points downwards towards the table upon which rests his magical
The Mirror of the Moment
tools. Above his head floats a figure eight turned on its side - the
symbol of eternity. Across his brow stretches a white headband
and there is a trellis built above his work area on which hangs a
fruitful bounty of growing flowers and greenery.
Mercury signifies the energies of the mind as they relate to thought
and its expression, most specifically the logical mind, intellect and
rational intelligence. This planet represents the constant activity of
thought in our minds as well as the expression of our thought
communication. Through
development of our mental abilities we acquire the knowledge
through which we attain the only true power - the power to order
our self and our environment while forging a purposeful life that is
directed towards meaningful and constructive ends. The image of
The Magician and the power of Mercury invoke an atmosphere of
achieving success through the pursuit and attainment of a higher
level of knowledge and personal development through which we
achieve the manifestation of our goals and dreams.
When The Magician is revealed Upright in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: success in the matter you inquired
about; exhibiting a strong sense of self confidence in your own
abilities; a need to develop greater strength of will; concentrating
on manifesting your own unique and personal vision; making a
strong commitment to achieve your fullest intellectual and creative
potential; a need for honest communication in a personal or
business relationship; applying your knowledge to creative and
constructive ends; a stronger mental focus required for the serious
task confronting you; a need to pursue a higher level of mental
development; putting in the hard work necessary to manifest your
dreams; a need for greater conscious personality development on
your part; acknowledging and communicating with a higher
dimension of your own human consciousness.
The Mirror of the Moment
When The Magician is revealed Reversed in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: a lack of success in the matter you
inquired about; dishonest communication in a relationship; a lack
of correct knowledge impeding your forward progress; not
achieving your fullest potential as an individual; falling victim to
weakness of will and mental laziness; not putting forth sufficient
to manifest your dreams; the pursuit of wasteful and
ineffectual schemes; squandering your precious human potential;
neglecting your own mental development; carelessly wasting your
talents and innate abilities; being too lazy to follow your own
unique vision; using your knowledge for evil or destructive ends.
The Mirror of the Moment
The Priestess of the Silver Star
The Moon
In the High Priestess we behold a serene and beautiful woman
seated on a white cubic stone. A partially open scroll rests on her
lap upon which is written “TORAH”in large capital letters. She is
dressed in blue and white robes and wears an equal armed cross
centered between her breasts as well as a crown of two crescent
moons which support a large pearly white globe that rests balanced
between them. The bottom of her robe connects with a large body
of water flowing from behind a curtain suspended between two
pillars situated to her rear. A yellow crescent moon sits at her feet.
She sits serenely between two cylindrical pillars; one is colored
black and is inscribed with the capital letter “B”in reverse white
while the other pillar is white in color with the capital letter
The Mirror of the Moment
“J” inscribed in reverse black. Both columns extend upwards
through the top of the image and are decorated with ornate leafy
designs. The curtain to her rear is decorated with the images of
pomegranate fruits and palm leaves. Through both sides of the
curtain and between the outer edges of the columns we gain a
glimpse of a large expanse of water that leads to a distant shore.
The High Priestess is the Holy Feminine – The Keeper of the
Sacred Wisdom - and her correspondence with the Moon reflects
an association with life at the intuitive and unconscious level; the
deep mysterious creative and generative matrix that dwells beneath
the surface consciousness and info
rms the conscious personality
with the wisdom it needs on its passage through the successive
states of awareness that we experience as “time.”The image of
“The High Priestess” and the power of the Moon invoke an
atmosphere of the secret or hidden that must be sought out in the
mysterious inner depths of the psyche or in the secret dimensions
of the world and brought forth into the light so what is hidden can
be revealed and a higher conscious understanding of reality can be
When The High Priestess is revealed Upright in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: a positive atmosphere surrounding
the matter you have inquired about; hidden forces at work in your
life that must be recognized and brought out
into the open; a
revelation that something
is being kept secret from you or is
going on behind your back; a concealed truth that must be revealed
if your relationship is going to survive; unrecognized influences in
your work environment influencing your life for the better; a need
to look more deeply at the influences acting on you in
present situation; a need to recognize that hidden influences may
be controlling your life at the moment; trusting your own intuition
in the matter you have inquired about; being on the lookout for
The Mirror of the Moment
hidden motivations in your employment environment; bringing
hidden emotions to the surface and expressing them in your
relationship; a need for you to become more spiritually aware and
listen to your own inner voice; paying close attention to the
messages in your dreams during this period of your life as they
may reveal the solution to your problem; an advice that you should
ignore the superficial opinions of the uninformed individuals
surrounding you.
When The High Priestess is revealed Reversed in your reading,
its meaning(s) may correspond to: a negative atmosphere
surrounding the matter you inquired about; something deliberately
kept secret or hidden that needs to remain so; unrecognized