The Mirror of the Moment Page 6
influences at work in your situation and influencing you for ill;
choosing to rely only on surface knowledge instead of looking
deeper into your situation; following a false intuition at your peril;
a false view that something is being hidden from you or is going
on behind your back; a false belief of secret or hidden
unfaithfulness in your relationship; acting on the basis of
superficial knowledge instead of following your inner wisdom;
being blinded by your own self conceit; having a profound lack of
insight into your situation; problems being caused by a life of
excessive pleasure seeking and slavery to self love; ignoring the
truth because you don’
t have the courage to face it; a lack of any
true perception of reality; feeling you see a mystery where there is
none; a false belief that some curse or hidden evil is influencing
your life.
The Mirror of the Moment
The Daughter of the Mighty One
Seated on a comfortable throne and surrounded on one side by a
field of ripening wheat is “The Empress” - a beautiful and
somewhat matronly woman who is dressed in a white robe
decorated with pomegranate fruits, the feminine symbol of fertility.
Her right arm is raised to almost shoulder level and in her hand she
holds a scepter with a round globe resting on top. On her head and
gracing her golden blond hair is a crown into which are set twelve
glowing white stars. A pearl necklace of seven round stones also
compliments her beautiful robes. To the left of her and leaning
against the side of her throne is a heart shaped shield inscribed
with the astrological symbol of Venus, the Goddess of Love.
The Mirror of the Moment
In the background stands a grove of cypress trees through which
flows a blue stream that forms a small pond to the right of the gray
stone rock upon which she sits. She is smiling as by tradition “The
Empress”is said to be in the early stages of pregnancy.
The Empress corresponds with Venus, the ancient Roman Goddess
of Love, and symbolizes the Divine Feminine Power. She is
associated with our sensual desires, the drive for procreation, the
love of beauty and the attractive powers within us. Venus is often
regarded as the vehicle of passion and desire but in the Tarot its
association with the Empress also expresses her powers of fertility
and fructification as the Universal Mother - Mother Nature - in her
highest and most spiritual aspect. Her energies of growth,
development and imagination lie at the root of all life. The
Empress and the power of Venus invoke an atmosphere of beauty
and fertility in which we may securely partake of the fullness of
life and give birth to all we are destined to bring into the world.
When The Empress is revealed Upright in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: finding happiness in marriage or in
an intimate personal relationship; the possibility of a stable and
long term union; a time of fertility that could lead to pregnancy; a
certainty of marital fidelity;
a willingness to
responsibilities of
motherhood; achieving material security and
prosperity; finding satisfaction in your present circumstances; a
for greater personal growth or creative development;
accepting the sexual pleasure being offered you.
When The Empress is revealed Reversed in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: clinging to an unhappy or unstable
union; a time of temporary infertility; a low probability of
pregnancy; a potential loss of material security; excessive self
indulgence; possible marital infidelity; unfulfilling motherhood;
The Mirror of the Moment
failure to find prosperity in your life; sexual irresponsibility; a lack
of fulfillment in motherhood.
The Mirror of the Moment
Chief Among the Mighty
A stern unyielding and fully armored ruler sits upon a granite
throne that stands alone in barren and rugged terrain. He sports
long white hair as well as a full beard that that hangs some length
beneath his chin. His stern figure wears a golden crown decorated
with seven precious jewels on top of which is mounted a figure
eight lying on its side. He is attired in the red and blue colors of
royalty. Though at peace he stands a ready to protect the kingdom
he rules even if it means going to war. His throne is decorated with
the heads of four rams - the symbol of the astrological sign of
Aries. In his right hand he holds an Ankh, the ancient Egyptian
symbol of life, and in his left hand holds a small golden globe of
dominion. In the background a mountain range rises up from
The Mirror of the Moment
the earth. At its base flows a small stream. The color red, which is
often associated with the reddish sands of the planet Mars,
dominates the background.
The essential character of the Emperor embodies the Primal Will to
survive, grow and prosper and this dynamic evolutionary energy is
expressed through the action of his executive will. When we gaze
into his penetrating eyes we perceive a disciplined intellect that is
capable of both accomplishment and endurance –bringing stability
and prosperity for the benefit of those whom he serves. The sign of
Aries, whose energy informs “The Emperor”, represents the
principal of activity - it is the dynamic evolutionary energy of life
struggling to express itself through each and every unique and
individual expression of the life power. The power of Aries
informing this card invokes an atmosphere of strong will and
purpose carried out by a disciplined and focused mind through
which reason triumphs, progress is made and order prevails.
When The Emperor is revealed Upright in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: exercising greater strength of will;
a need to demonstrate leadership ability in your situation; moving
your plans forward with self confidence; following your present
ambition wherever it leads you; taking the initiative in a romantic
relationship; developing the capacity for greater self discipline and
self control; demonstrating unwavering courage in the face of
powerful opposition; placing rational thought before an emotional
response; willingly accepting the responsibilities of your position;
recognizing the need to control your own ambition; achieving
success by maintaining a strong mental focus on your goal; not
depending on others but relying solely on your own abilities to
attain success
The Mirror of the Moment
When The Emperor is revealed Reverse
d in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: weakness of will; a lack of self
discipline and/or self control; a failure of confidence in your own
leadership ability; an inability to command your own self; a lack of
the strong will and determination necessary to achieve your goal;
being vulnerable due to a lack of maturity; pride and arrogance
coming before your fall; indulging a taste for tyranny; avoiding
vulnerable to predatory forces; deluding yourself as to true extent
of your power; a failure in love.
The Mirror of the Moment
The Servant of the Eternal One
The Hierophant or “High Priest”of the Tarot sits upon an elevated
platform with both hands raised in benediction as he bestows a
blessing upon two initiates who kneel before him who are clothed
in traditional robes. A yellow stole adorns both initiates whose
backs are turned to us. One candidate wears robes decorated with
the pomegranates of desire and fertility while the other wears robes
embroidered with the lilies of reason and pure thought. The right
hand of The Hierophant is raised in the sign of the trinity and in his
left hand he holds a scepter of authority topped with a triple cross.
His throne sits on an elevated dais and a red cloth is spread
underneath it. Affixed to the front of the throne are two gold keys
crossed over each other in an “X”pattern. He sits between two
ornate pillars carved out of grey stone and his throne, which is
The Mirror of the Moment
also carved of the same stone stands against a neutral grey
backdrop. The Hierophant is dressed in red vestments and a white
scapula adorns the front of his holy robes upon which three equal
armed crosses are embroidered.
The Hierophant’
s correspondence with Taurus exhibits the most
spiritual aspects in the character of this sign and its ruling planet,
Venus –those of spiritual sensibility and moral awareness. Taurus
represents the energy of stability and self-substantiation both in the
spiritual and material sense. It exhibits a persistent determined and
practical energy and is highly goal orientated. In its fertile soil
grows not only the material foundation of our life but the moral
foundation as well. The Hierophant images the stability which
comes with conformity to established belief systems and by
forming a relationship with the Hierophant we welcome the sacred
powers of the Spirit to play their important and necessary role in
our life. Taurus, the informing energy of “The Hierophant,”
invokes an atmosphere of the necessity to develop a spiritual
dimension in life by establishing a link between your individual
life and the sacred knowledge of the inner world. You may accept
a conventional spiritual practice or follow a path of unconventional
spirituality suited to your character as an individual.
When The Hierophant is revealed Upright in your reading, its
meaning(s) may
surrounding the matter of your inquiry; being on a firm foundation;
a sanctified romance; choosing to follow the conventional religious
path; an adherence to traditional values; a strong need for social
acceptance; a need for emotional stability and spiritual security;
having a passion for religious certainty; needing a reliable life
path to follow; achieving personal happiness through living a life
The Mirror of the Moment
of social conformity; establishing a true relationship with the
Divine through the acceptance of an orthodox faith.
When The Hierophant is revealed Reversed in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: an unfavorable atmosphere
surrounding the matter of your inquiry; lacking a firm foundation;
an unsuccessful romantic relationship; choosing to follow an
unconventional spiritual path; a rejection of traditional values;
discovering your own path even if you must walk alone;
pursuit of an independent search for spiritual truth; a life based on
non conformity to traditional beliefs; marching to the sound of a
different drummer;
valuing the unorthodox point of view;
listening to your own inner voice instead of the voice of outer
authority; building a life based on non traditional values; having
the courage to trust in one’
s own beliefs; striving for the authentic
personal experience of the Divine.
The Mirror of the Moment
The Oracles of the Eternal One
“The Lovers” card of the Tarot is often wrongly considered to be
an image of Adam and Eve in the biblical Garden of Eden but a
closer examination of its symbolism causes this superficial
comparison to quickly evaporate though the image does contain
certain elements of commonality with the description in the
biblical myth. The two human figures in the image actually
represent the male and female aspects of human consciousness.
The man and woman are not being driven out of paradise but rather
are being blessed by the Great Angel who is wearing a robe of
royal purple and supported by fiery red wings and whose open
arms welcome both figures to share in the solar power of the
radiant sun in the sky to their rear. Behind the male figure stands a
The Mirror of the Moment
flowering tree representing “The Tree of Life” which in the
biblical myth was said to reside in the mythical Garden of Eden but
whose symbolism is not unique to the Bible and appears in various
forms in the mythological motifs of many cultures that have
existed throughout recorded history. The image of the woman
stands in front of “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”
on which a serpent lies entwined. The serpent appears to be
communicating with the woman and it symbolizes the inner
feminine wisdom that flows to her from Nature itself. Against a
blue sky, a tall mountain rises in the distance alluding to the high
summit of consciousness that may be attained through an
understanding of the imagery of this card and its application in real
Gemini, the sign of The Twins, represents an expanding impulse
and is the sign of mental development where the personality is
destined to come to terms with its own mental powers and the need
to develop and utilize them in a constructive and meaningful way.
Gemini is also the focus of the powers of communication and this
focus is central to the understanding of its relationship to “The
bsp; Lovers” card in the Tarot as the twins of Gemini express the
marriage of the opposites in life we discover both within ourselves
in the natural world and in our relationships. When these energies
are released through the union of the masculine and feminine
powers we are given the adaptability and resourcefulness necessary
to survive as individuals and to love and honestly communicate
with each other. When we come to the clear understanding of the
masculine and feminine aspects of our nature we are able to
combine them in a powerful inner union that leads to a balance of
the spiritual and material forces in life. This balance serves as the
foundation for a higher spiritual evolution and upon this
foundation we can erect a creative and meaningful life in which we
can discover both purpose and fulfillment. The power of Gemini
communication and honesty in all dimensions of our life and in our
The Mirror of the Moment
relationships with both the inner world of the Psyche and the outer
world of Nature.
When The Lovers is revealed Upright in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: making a correct choice in love;
pursuing a relationship with a real potential for romantic success;
trusting your own emotions; having the courage to make a
commitment; a need for authentic and honest communication in
your relationship; for once letting your heart over rule your head;
achieving the right balance in a new relationship; acting on the
authentic attraction you feel; the certainty of romantic success with
the one you desire; communicating with your inner self so as to
discover a new source of inspiration; a potential for a loving
relationship; striving for mutual harmony in your relationship; a
need for greater mental clarity as to where your relationship is
really headed.
When The Lovers is revealed Reversed in your reading, its
meaning(s) may correspond to: pursuing the wrong choice in love;